Sunday, October 28, 2012


     What does peace mean to you? Often we see lots of symbols of peace.  I automatically think of the peace sign.  I have learned recently what peace truly is.   Here is the wiki-pedia definition;"Peace And Love is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. In international relations, peacetime is not only the absence of war or violent conflict, but also the presence of positive and respectful cultural and economic relationships" 
     Looking at the Lion and the Lamb is honestly the truest form of peace. It says in the Bible that the Lion and Lamb will lay together with out any ire when Christ comes again.  often wondered how on Earth is this possible? How can the Lion who is agressive and a meat eater lay beside his prey the sheep? Then I realize thru Christ anything is possible. Also, if you realize in the scriptures how often are the people referred to by Christ as his flock or sheep? So in a way it says to me that we will come at peace with our enemies right?
    How to we gain peace in our lives and hearts when life seems to be so busy and hectic? As a mother of 6 there are times that there is so much contention amongst the kids it is unreal.  I continuesly tell them we need to get rid of the contention in our home. We stop and pray and read our scriptures.  It is a daily and sometimes hourly thing. If we can teach our children to be peaceful and kind to their siblings they will learn to gain peace in their hearts also. I think we must also provide our children with peaceful quiet moments. Not constantly rush and have every hour packed full of activity. Don't get me wrong I do believe idleness is not a good thing but moments of silence is golden. Teach your kids when they pray to finish and sit quietly for a few moments to listen to the still small voice. In this moment they will receive their answers and  promptings.  I feel the greatest gift we can give our children is peace and happiness.  Teach them to seek it out in their own hearts and lives.  Then they can spread it to the world and who they touch with their lives.
   We also learn peace by loving and serving others.  We must show kindness and acts of love every where and every time the opportunity arises. Through gentle, kind and true acts of service the Lord will bless you with peace and happiness in your life.  I'm not talking about doing it because you have to or doing acts because someone is watching.  I'm talking about listening to the spirit and acting on it any time and any place you are prompted too.  I would like to share with you a story of my kids.  This is not to boast what so ever. Our town was flooded back in June and their are so many still affected by the flood four months later. Our Bishop called late on Friday to see if some of the kids could help him clean out two flooded homes.  Mind you their Dad and two older siblings where not home so my two 13 year old's had to answer the call.  They were getting picked up at 7 am and they said sure.  Well, you can imagine what houses that have been filled with water in the hot Florida sun for four months must smell and look like.  Yep, you got it.  They where armed with respirators and rubber gloves.  They quickly and joyfully helped.  These people had no one that would help them pick up the remains of their lives after the flood waters had finally reseeded.   My children where deeply affected by seeing everything these people had thrown into dumpsters!   They told them they where thankful they where ok and not hurt in the floods.  They told them about our church, their belief that Jesus Christ has a purpose in everything he does.  That we may not know   exactly why we are put through some of the storms of life that we are,but that the Lord knows why.  We often learn from these experiences, it may not be immediate but it will be learned when the time is right.  The kids then walked from the first house to another and saw that there was a tree down in the yard between the houses.  Their was an older couple who had the major part of tree chopped up but there were large branches everywhere.  They felt prompted to stop and help this family.  They got the tractor and helped load it with the large pieces , stacked them and then proceeded to get the branches and cut them up. The family asked the kids why they are doing this hard work on a wonderfully beautiful Saturday morning.  My kids told them that they love to serve others and it makes them happy . The people were very touched and asked more about our church.  They were familiar with us but wanted to know more.  My kids told them how much they love Jesus Christ and serving his people.  They told them they didn't want to wake up at 630 am on a Saturday morning but their Bishop asked for help.  They said if someone asks for help from us our Mom taught us to act as though Christ himself is asking.  You wouldn't tell Christ no so we had to do it. The older couple was shocked. The kids then told them goodbye and that they had to go help their neighbors clean out their house. They proceeded to help the other family. The Bishop was walking by and the older couple stopped him and gave him a check to donate to the church. He explained we didnt do it for the money, it's not even expected.The service is done out of love for our fellow man.  In this service we receive peace and happiness in our hearts.  The kids, Bishop and two other older gentlemen cleaned out two houses and helped with a tree on a bright sunny Saturday.  They worked from 7-4 and where so full of joy when they came home.  They blessed the lives of these families and let them know that there are people out there who love them and care even though they are all strangers. The kids brought peace to these families.  They will be going back every Saturday until the task is done.  Honestly, they can't wait.
      I know I kind of got off the track I started towards with this blog.  I write usually on Sundays shortly after church and I honestly write what I feel the spirit wants me too.  So, you will see some days I start off with one subject and end up on another.  I apologize for this.
      I do feel that we can get more peace in our lives if we love our neighbor and enemy selflessly.  We must forgive our enemies.  We can't have the spirit with us at all times if we also have hatred or anger in our heart.  When we are facing the storms of life that is when we need to pray for peace.  I pray that peace be with you and pleace spread it through out the world when you feel prompted too!  Remember to Praise God in the storms of your life.  He gives them to you so that he may love you through them!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Did you think to Pray?

Did you think to Pray?

 Today school started off rough in the Cole house.  I had kids bickering, arguing and contending with one another.  They even where arguing about not finding the dogs leash. I woke up in a great mood until I started hearing them.  Dad had got them started on school with out me .  So, I had them all come in living room and started to ask what the heck is up? I gave them the same words of guidance I as a mother always give.  I ask them if they think the spirit can reside in them when they have contention? I also tell them that this could all be gone tomorrow.  We are not garenteed  a tomorrow or even a later today.  One of them could be gone in an instant.  I make them all apologize and hug.  Then it comes to me, I ask, "Did you all pray at the beginning of school today?"  I honestly already knew the answer. They said , "NO, why?"  I said, we always start with a prayer and a scripture.  I then preceeded to look up the hymn online "Did you think to Pray?"  I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Charly Pride sang this. I have sang this in church so many times and loved it.  Never did I realize that good old Charly had sung it.
     My children said a prayer, we read a scripture.  The mood in the room changed drastically.  Mind you I have 5 teens in the house so yes, this is a miracle.  I was so thankful that they where able to feel of the spirit and see how much a simple prayer can change a situation.
    I know our lives are so busy and we are always rushing from one activity to another. How many times throughout our day do we complain about this or that and dont do anything about it.  We have the power right in our own hands to change just about any situation. All we have to do is pray.  It does sound simple doesn't it? I know in my life there have been lots of times that I have only prayed when I have been in dire straights. I never thought my ordinary trials deserved the Lord's attention.  Now I know he is always there and wants me to communicate.  He wants to show all of us how he can change our situations and lives.  So, tomorrow when you wake up ... Don't forget to pray!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


 I absolutely love this hymn by Grace Nowell Crowell
Because I have been Given Much

  Because I have been given much, I too must give.
Because of thy great bounty, Lord each day I live.
I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that I see,
who has the need of help from me.
Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care…
I cannot see another’s lack and I not share-
my glowing fire, my loaf of bread-my roof’s safe shelter over head,
that he too may be comforted.
Because I have been blessed by thy great love dear Lord,
I’ll share thy love again according to thy word.
I shall give love to those in need. I’ll show that love by word and deed,
thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.
There are times in our lives when we feel down and out.  We fail to take a look at our lives and all the blessings that we have. Take just a second and ponder all that you have been given. I think you will find it is "MUCH" more than you realize.  Do you have a family, healthy and happy kids, a roof over your head, food in the cupboards, a spouse that loves you, shoes on your feet, clothes on your back, a table to eat dinner at, a bed to sleep in??  If you do have all these things you are blessed, if you have some of these things you still are blessed.  
I watched the news last night and my heart sank when I saw the story of a sweet little girl who went to school one day and never made it home to her family here on earth.  It made me take stock in my children.  Sometimes, yes they get on my nerves and fight and argue with each other. The messes they make and all the no's I tell them or the million times I ask please pick up your clothes are so precious. Somewhere out there is a poor Mother whose arms ache for her little girl. A mother who wishes her daughter would leave her clothes in a heap on the bathroom floor just one more time.   
I am so thankful for all that I have been given. There where times in my life when all I wanted was to have a family. I wasn't suppose to have children .  The Lord blessed me with three natural born children, I inherited two by marriage and we adopted three last year. I learned that his will , will be done in his time.  His mercy is great.  We need to learn how to extend our mercy to others around us. You need just to take a look in your own neighborhoods and communities to see someone who hasn't been given much. Sometimes it is a simple smile, a hello, a phonecall, or just an " I was thinking about you how are you doing?" to make the difference in someones life. The world we live in needs more humanity and mercy in it.  I know that it is my duty to give much because I have been given much.  I hope you can join me in this journey also.  Please try to do a small act of mercy this week and tell me about it if you choose.  Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Looking Fear in the Eye

    I was given a wonderful opportunity to go out to General Conference for my church in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I always wanted to go there but never have been given then opportunity. I had to overcome quiet a few obstacles!  You see I am totally terrified to fly now a days!
     We where to leave at 5:30 am on a Saturday out of Jacksonville which is a two hour drive. I was unable to sleep the night before for fear of leaving our six children alone, flying on a plane, the plane crashing with both their parents on it, fear of being to big for the seat, fear of getting sick in the air, and fear of everything!  I finally fell asleep about 3:30 and was up at 4:30 am.  Our friends arrived at 5:30 am and we drove to Jacksonville. I tried to tell them I was scared to death and they just kept telling me it would all be fine.  Yep, sure!
      We checked our bags in and proceeded to security check in... WHAT?? This is not the airports of twenty years ago. Yep, that"s how long it had flown.  I removed my shoes, placed everything in the little plastic bin and then followed my hubby.  Next, was a scanner, say what??? Get in , put your hands above your head. I'm thinking, ok, someone is seeing all this... naked?? Really??? I was upset and then they told me to get out and I had to wait on a matt with two yellow feet. My hubby went on, then our friends where waved on. I asked if I was done and they abruptly told me NO!!  Then a woman came over with gloves on and they are saying over and over left knee, left knee. She proceeds to fell up and down my legs, lifts my pants up.  I ask what are you doing?? TThere is metal in your left knee showing up on the screen.  I have no metal in my knee that  I know of.  Then they wave the wand over my legs again and she checks it. They let me continue on.  We all joked about my left knee.  Our friend then got the pleasure of having her purse totally emptied out and searched. Let me tell you her purse was about the size of a suitcase.  I honestly didn't mind any of this as I know they are just keeping us all safe!  I just found a ton of humor in it!
     Next comes the wait for the plane.  There was a young girl flying out to SLC alone and her Mom started talking to us.  Funny thing she was going to the same connection as we where in Denver and on to Utah.  So she tagged along with us.  Then they called us to board.  I squeezed my hubbies hand hard. We got seat belt extenders and boarded the plane. He proceeds to tell me we will be fine.  I say about 10 prayers and then the plane prepares for take off. Now , let me tell you I was terrified.  It shook and was super loud. I have flown a ton in my life and not sure why I'm so scared anymore.  I squeezed his hand till it turned purple, I kept asking why are we still going up??? LOL  Then about 10 minutes later we hit turbulence! Alot of it!  The plane shook and dropped and yep, I screamed.   This went on for about a half hour.  It then calmed down.  We landed in Denver and it felt like we weren't going to stop.  But, we did.
       The flight to SLC was rough also.  I did enjoy the city.  The trip back was hilarious!  We where on a plane that was totally booked. My hubby and I are not little people by any means.  We where crammed into a row with a sweet young college kid who probably only had like half his seat and was so nice about it.  The hour long flight we bounced like crazy.  The pilot was at 39,000 feet and then tried 3\, 35, and went back up to 30.000 trying to find a smooth place to fly!  To absolutely no avail!   I felt like I was going to puke.  The flight attendants weren't allowed out of their seats till last 20 minutes of flight.  I also had to go to the bathroom.  I screamed and was clinging to my hubby's arm with a death grip. Our friends kept asking where I was .  They where a few rows ahead of us. I was scrunched all the way down in the seat. Mind you I am a 5'10" tall woman and weigh well I'm a big girl.   Our landing was even  rough the plane actually cavatatted from the harsh landing.  he reversed the engines like crazy and we weren't sure if we where gonna stop.  All in all we did arrive safely, I discovered that no matter what I'm still terrified to fly and that my hubby loves me a ton.  He volunteered to hold me if plane went down and I could use him as a cushion.  I have never been so happy to have my feet on the ground before.  Actually , never really thought of how I loved the ground before.  I am thankful for all the prayers of mine that where answered! lol
     I am so thankful we where able to go to Salt Lake City and I am thankful for my true pilot in life Jesus Christ!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Disposable Camera's

    This is a silly look into a funny moment with my hubby. We are preparing for a trip out west that we both are sooo excited for. I tell him honey, I need a new sd card for my Droid so I can take good pics and post on fb and my blog.  He says ok, "I'll stop and get you a disposable!" I said, "Are you serious, those went out in the 80's", I would feel so out of place with all the I then proceeded to say , I can see it now... Taking pictures of the Great Salt Lake City Temple and seeing an Apostle or Prophet and saying hey can I take your pic?? Pulling out my handy dandy disposable camera and then taking a click...then wind...wind... oh can I see the pic?? They ask.. nope its a disposable oh, can I get your autograph, here sign my camera... oh no wait, I have to turn it in.. I continued to say "Oh shucks honey I would be soo honored if
you got me a new disposable camera, do they even sell them anymore???" We seriously laughed and giggled.  So, anyone have any disposable camera stories?? I realized with this convo that our cell phones now have replaced alot of gadgets we used to have; camera's, video camera's, calculators, watches, books, games (now have apps), address books, and I'm sure the list goes on.  It is amazing how things change so gradually and items of our past soon are forgotten.  Items we once valued and treasured now are gone.