Monday, October 1, 2012

Disposable Camera's

    This is a silly look into a funny moment with my hubby. We are preparing for a trip out west that we both are sooo excited for. I tell him honey, I need a new sd card for my Droid so I can take good pics and post on fb and my blog.  He says ok, "I'll stop and get you a disposable!" I said, "Are you serious, those went out in the 80's", I would feel so out of place with all the I then proceeded to say , I can see it now... Taking pictures of the Great Salt Lake City Temple and seeing an Apostle or Prophet and saying hey can I take your pic?? Pulling out my handy dandy disposable camera and then taking a click...then wind...wind... oh can I see the pic?? They ask.. nope its a disposable oh, can I get your autograph, here sign my camera... oh no wait, I have to turn it in.. I continued to say "Oh shucks honey I would be soo honored if
you got me a new disposable camera, do they even sell them anymore???" We seriously laughed and giggled.  So, anyone have any disposable camera stories?? I realized with this convo that our cell phones now have replaced alot of gadgets we used to have; camera's, video camera's, calculators, watches, books, games (now have apps), address books, and I'm sure the list goes on.  It is amazing how things change so gradually and items of our past soon are forgotten.  Items we once valued and treasured now are gone.

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