Monday, December 3, 2012

Simple Act of Kindness!

  I post videos a lot as I feel so much through music.  There are so many times my heart is so full and I cant figure out how to convey to you what my soul wants.  So, I seek it out in music.  Please watch this video and then read the blog!
      All of these people discovered simple little Acts of Kindness. There are so many times in our daily life that we can extend simple kindness to our fellow human beings.  By doing so we are doing a few different things; we are blessing others lives, we are blessing our lives and we are changing the world one simple act of kindness at a time.
      Remember the boys in this video? Well my boys do stuff like this all the time!  They are now 13 and 15. I no longer have to remind them to do these things it is just part of their daily life. A part that I taught them through example and service to their fellow man.  
      Our family is choosing to do a lot of Simple Acts of Kindness throughout this Christmas season. More so than we normally do.  How do you start you ask?  Well it is super easy.  It is not hard to do at all.  Keep your eyes and ears open to those around you.  The Lord will put people in your path daily who could use that little act to help them believe in humanity again!
       The world has become a very cruel and ostentatious place to live.  Most of us look at people on the street as low lives who need to get a job and pay for themselves and quit begging. Well did you know that most of us are just 1-2 paychecks away from this ourselves? Some of these people didn't choose this life.  I was talking to a homeless person just yesterday and he doesn't want people to hand him money.  He wants to work for it to eat. He is embarrassed of the way he looks because he is dirty and knows he doesn't smell good.  he started coming to church.  I say hello every time I see him. He is my brother in Christ.  Who am I to judge him?  It is my wonderful blessing to help him when presented , correct?  Well , it presents itself every once in a while.  Just the other night we went to the town Christmas parade.  There he was sitting on a bench downtown.  I stopped and asked where he would be later and he said right there as he could read under the light when it got dark.  The boys and I went to have pizza and we saved him two slices. We all had shared one pizza and with two teen boys that was a feat in itself. We then watched the parade and the boys never once asked if they could eat the two pieces.  We then went downtown and he was there like he said. We gave him the pizza and he was very grateful.  It was honestly nothing to us.  But everything to him.  I'm not telling you this to blow our own horn.  Just to help you open your eyes and your hearts!
     Here is another homeless man sitting under the tree. Is he begging no he is not really.  He was making palm roses and was giving them away to anyone who helped him.  What did he want? Just help to get home for Christmas!   I really didn't have anything to give him but my boys where on it.  They had allowance money in their pockets!  This was the day after we fed the other man pizza. I went to sit down and they said they'd be right back. They proceeded to put their money together and buy this man dinner. They then just placed it on his backpack and walked away. They hid and waited to see his reaction.  He was happy and surprised and ate like it had been a while since he'd eaten.  
       Once again I am not bragging just showing you another act that presented itself to my family.  This one I didn't even know about until the boys told me they would be back. I watched them and tears rolled down my face.  We were all blessed by this act.
        I ask in this holiday season that you all keep an open heart and mind about you .  Do small acts of kindness when you feel inspired to. Don't ask for anything in return just say Pay it forward someday. Remember random acts of kindness are to be selfless acts of the heart to lift someone up and give them hope.  It does not have to be monetary at all. It can be simple things like a smile, a hug, giving up a seat, holding a door open, or helping an older or handicapped person with their groceries.  Keep yourself open to the spirit who will guide you to where you are needed.  Be an example to your kids, family and friends. Hopefully, we can all make this world a better place with one simple, random, act of kindess!

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