Sunday, October 14, 2012


 I absolutely love this hymn by Grace Nowell Crowell
Because I have been Given Much

  Because I have been given much, I too must give.
Because of thy great bounty, Lord each day I live.
I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that I see,
who has the need of help from me.
Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care…
I cannot see another’s lack and I not share-
my glowing fire, my loaf of bread-my roof’s safe shelter over head,
that he too may be comforted.
Because I have been blessed by thy great love dear Lord,
I’ll share thy love again according to thy word.
I shall give love to those in need. I’ll show that love by word and deed,
thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.
There are times in our lives when we feel down and out.  We fail to take a look at our lives and all the blessings that we have. Take just a second and ponder all that you have been given. I think you will find it is "MUCH" more than you realize.  Do you have a family, healthy and happy kids, a roof over your head, food in the cupboards, a spouse that loves you, shoes on your feet, clothes on your back, a table to eat dinner at, a bed to sleep in??  If you do have all these things you are blessed, if you have some of these things you still are blessed.  
I watched the news last night and my heart sank when I saw the story of a sweet little girl who went to school one day and never made it home to her family here on earth.  It made me take stock in my children.  Sometimes, yes they get on my nerves and fight and argue with each other. The messes they make and all the no's I tell them or the million times I ask please pick up your clothes are so precious. Somewhere out there is a poor Mother whose arms ache for her little girl. A mother who wishes her daughter would leave her clothes in a heap on the bathroom floor just one more time.   
I am so thankful for all that I have been given. There where times in my life when all I wanted was to have a family. I wasn't suppose to have children .  The Lord blessed me with three natural born children, I inherited two by marriage and we adopted three last year. I learned that his will , will be done in his time.  His mercy is great.  We need to learn how to extend our mercy to others around us. You need just to take a look in your own neighborhoods and communities to see someone who hasn't been given much. Sometimes it is a simple smile, a hello, a phonecall, or just an " I was thinking about you how are you doing?" to make the difference in someones life. The world we live in needs more humanity and mercy in it.  I know that it is my duty to give much because I have been given much.  I hope you can join me in this journey also.  Please try to do a small act of mercy this week and tell me about it if you choose.  Thanks and have a wonderful day!

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