Keep Christ in Christmas!
I sat in church this past Sunday watching my boys pass the Sacrament and a tear rolled down my cheek. I was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude. My sons know what it is like to serve their Lord and Savior and truly love him. Sunday mornings used to be a tug of war. I would fight to get them out of bed and then to get them dressed. If they attended their Sunday School and Young Men classes it was extremely rare! Now, they are usually the first up and well dressing is another issue but they willingly go to class and pass the Sacrament. I am so grateful for their commitment and love! Their love shows so much in their actions on Sunday and I am so blessed to be their mother.Just the day before Zachary, my 15 year old was watching his father fill out Christmas cards. My hubby, aware he was being watched wrote Merry XMas! My son said ,"Dad, you need to fix that!" Dad said What? Well you just took Christ out of Christmas, Dad. We don't do that in this house! My husband erased it and grabbed the pen and wrote in bold letters "Merry CHRISTmas!" In order for us to keep Christ in Christmas we must simply drop the last syllable! President Monson stated this just recently! I really liked that so instead of Merry Christmas it would be Merry Christ! Wow! I can't imagine anything better than that!
I do know that too many times in the past I have focused on the gifts and presents. Making sure that all the kids had what they wished for and would have lots of gifts to open. This year is going to be a little different. Our space is limited and we have 6 kids at home. We asked each one what they really wanted this year. So, we are getting all their one big gift and then something for their soul. The second gift is going to be something just for them. Something I know that will bring out one of their spiritual gifts the Lord has given them. You see in my family we have a chef/mechanic, a jewelry maker/artist, a dancer/poet, a gamer/computer whiz, and two special spirited boys. I want to provide them with a gift that will bring these things out in them. I also am encouraging all of our kids to give back this year. We have already donated clothes to various people and now I want them to give of themselves. We are planning to do something on Christmas day for the homeless in our community. There are so many of them and this has really pulled at our heartstrings.
We also give every year secretly to a friend, neighbor or total stranger. You see we love to do the 12 days of Christmas "Cole" style. We sneak up on the porch or front step and leave a little something usually with a note. Then we usually watch for their reaction. We have done this for years and this truly brings our family great joy! We are in a new area this year and this is proving a little more challenging out here in the country. We will find a way and still do it though!
I feel the spirit of Christmas needs to be one of total and absolute selflessness. It truly is better to give than to receive! Christ gave us so much and I know I personally could never return the debt that I owe him. So, I will try to pass on his spirit of love to everyone I meet.
I would love to challenge everyone to truly have the love of Christ in your hearts this season. Give more than you take. Love those who you ordinarily would pass by. Forgive someone who has wronged you or hurt you. This is the season of Love and Hope and New Beginnings! Lets do what we can as individuals to spread the Light of Christ in this dark world.
I would love if you would leave a comment on things your family does or has done to keep Christ in Christmas!
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