Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let Love Prevail over Evil

 Love Will Prevail!
                                                                                                            twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
                                                                                                           when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
                                                                                                           their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
                                                                                                           they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
    all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."
      I like a million other Mothers have had a horrible time trying to understand why?  My heart is just broken for the families who will never be able to hug their little ones close.  I came across the above poem and it was so fitting.  It comforted me more than anything I have come across.   My heart is so broken for the families that are suffering.  I know that the Lord has a plan and purpose but honestly I can't wrap my mind around the loss of 20 beautiful children.  The loss at any time is tragic but at Christmas is especially hard. Today in church all our eyes where filled with tears!  Mothers who have avoided the news like me where faced again with it when prayers where offered, classes taught and lessons learned. All the people and children lost where mentioned. The tears continued to flow. The topper was the singing of "I am a Child of God"  in relief society  by a woman with her guitar . It was the sweetest dearest rendition I have ever heard and it meant so much to me.
       I also know that the Lord has reasons and a plan for everything .  We do not understand nor can we fathom the why's of this senseless and horrific act.  I have chosen to turn it off!  No news, no radio or updates on it.  I have however looked at the pics of these beautiful angels and their hero's that tried to save them. I do love the stories that are coming out about the principal and teachers.  All of these women served their kids with so much love and devotion that they died for them. This is the most humble example I have seen of Christ like love.
       I am choosing to let this event affect me differently. I do know that we live in a very different world these days.  Evil does walk among us. However, I refuse to let the evil in this world change me inside.I will however let this act help me to change this world by spreading more love and happiness and hope.   I will not become sour or bitter or vengeful. The horrible, evil person will not win and turn me into a hateful person.  Instead, I will choose to follow the example of the teachers and principal. I will let good prevail!  I will do small random acts of kindness.  I will give a hug to a tearful person that can't grasp this tragic event.  I will help another in a time of need.  We need to all make the world a better place.  We can do this by letting good prevail. Are there children in your life or inner circle who could use an extra hug or smile?  Look around you everyday this season for chances to better your community, neighborhood and town.  Let the love of Christ flow through you.  Let him prevail in all we do.
        There are stories coming out of Newtown, Ct.  of a man with his English Bulldog and he is saying my bulldog gives free hugs.  He is helping heal hearts one hug at a time.  What can you do?  There are so many of us touched by this horrendous act of violence. We all need to see the good in the world again.  We also need to know that peace, happiness and love can and will prevail!
      Once again I would like everyone to know my heart is so heavy and full.  I am a mother of 8 kids and I am holding them a little tighter and spending more time with them.  We are never garunteede tomorrow so I will value today for as they say today is the present.
       I wish all of you prayers of healing and comfort.  I am so thankful for all I have and am so blessed to have my loved ones close.  I pray for the families and will do all I can to support and uplift them.  Please comment on what you and your family are going to do to make this world a better place.  Thank you and prayers!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Keep Christ in Christmas!

   I sat in church this past Sunday watching my boys pass the Sacrament and a tear rolled down my cheek. I was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude.  My sons know what it is like to serve their Lord and Savior and truly love him. Sunday mornings used to be a tug of war.  I would fight to get them out of bed and then to get them dressed.  If they attended their Sunday School and Young Men classes it was extremely rare!  Now, they are usually the first up and well dressing is another issue but they willingly go to class and pass the Sacrament.  I am so grateful for their commitment and love! Their love shows so much in their actions on Sunday and I am so blessed to be their mother.
      Just the day before Zachary, my 15 year old was watching his father fill out Christmas cards.  My hubby, aware he was being watched wrote Merry XMas!  My son said ,"Dad, you need to fix that!"  Dad said What? Well you just took Christ out of Christmas, Dad.  We don't do that in this house!  My husband erased it and grabbed the pen and wrote in bold letters "Merry CHRISTmas!" In order for us to keep Christ in Christmas we must simply drop the last syllable!  President Monson stated this just recently!  I really liked that so instead of Merry Christmas it would be Merry Christ!  Wow!    I can't imagine anything better than that!
     I do know that too many times in the past I have focused on the gifts and presents.  Making sure that all the kids had what they wished for and would have lots of gifts to open.  This year is going to be a little different. Our space is limited and we have 6 kids at home. We asked each one what they really wanted this year. So, we are getting all their one big gift and then something for their soul. The second gift is going to be something just for them. Something I know that will bring out one of their spiritual gifts the Lord has given them.  You see in my family we have a chef/mechanic, a jewelry maker/artist, a dancer/poet, a gamer/computer whiz, and two special spirited boys. I want to provide them with a gift that will bring these things out in them. I also am encouraging all of our kids to give back this year. We have already donated clothes to various people and now I want them to give of themselves. We are planning to do something on Christmas day for the homeless in our community.  There are so many of them and this has really pulled at our heartstrings.
       We also give every year secretly to a friend, neighbor or total stranger. You see we love to do the 12 days of Christmas "Cole" style. We sneak up on the porch or front step and leave a little something usually with a note.  Then we usually watch for their reaction. We have done this for years and this truly brings our family great joy! We are in a new area this year and this is proving a little more challenging out here in the country. We will find a way and still do it though!
       I feel the spirit of Christmas needs to be one of total and absolute selflessness. It truly is better to give than to receive! Christ gave us so much and I know I personally could never return the debt that I owe him. So, I will try to pass on his spirit of love to everyone I meet.
       I would love to challenge everyone to truly have the love of Christ in your hearts this season. Give more than you take. Love those who you ordinarily would pass by. Forgive someone who has wronged you or hurt you.  This is the season of Love and Hope and New Beginnings!  Lets do what we can as individuals to spread the Light of Christ in this dark world.
       I would love if you would leave a comment on things your family does or has done to keep Christ in Christmas!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Simple Act of Kindness!

  I post videos a lot as I feel so much through music.  There are so many times my heart is so full and I cant figure out how to convey to you what my soul wants.  So, I seek it out in music.  Please watch this video and then read the blog!
      All of these people discovered simple little Acts of Kindness. There are so many times in our daily life that we can extend simple kindness to our fellow human beings.  By doing so we are doing a few different things; we are blessing others lives, we are blessing our lives and we are changing the world one simple act of kindness at a time.
      Remember the boys in this video? Well my boys do stuff like this all the time!  They are now 13 and 15. I no longer have to remind them to do these things it is just part of their daily life. A part that I taught them through example and service to their fellow man.  
      Our family is choosing to do a lot of Simple Acts of Kindness throughout this Christmas season. More so than we normally do.  How do you start you ask?  Well it is super easy.  It is not hard to do at all.  Keep your eyes and ears open to those around you.  The Lord will put people in your path daily who could use that little act to help them believe in humanity again!
       The world has become a very cruel and ostentatious place to live.  Most of us look at people on the street as low lives who need to get a job and pay for themselves and quit begging. Well did you know that most of us are just 1-2 paychecks away from this ourselves? Some of these people didn't choose this life.  I was talking to a homeless person just yesterday and he doesn't want people to hand him money.  He wants to work for it to eat. He is embarrassed of the way he looks because he is dirty and knows he doesn't smell good.  he started coming to church.  I say hello every time I see him. He is my brother in Christ.  Who am I to judge him?  It is my wonderful blessing to help him when presented , correct?  Well , it presents itself every once in a while.  Just the other night we went to the town Christmas parade.  There he was sitting on a bench downtown.  I stopped and asked where he would be later and he said right there as he could read under the light when it got dark.  The boys and I went to have pizza and we saved him two slices. We all had shared one pizza and with two teen boys that was a feat in itself. We then watched the parade and the boys never once asked if they could eat the two pieces.  We then went downtown and he was there like he said. We gave him the pizza and he was very grateful.  It was honestly nothing to us.  But everything to him.  I'm not telling you this to blow our own horn.  Just to help you open your eyes and your hearts!
     Here is another homeless man sitting under the tree. Is he begging no he is not really.  He was making palm roses and was giving them away to anyone who helped him.  What did he want? Just help to get home for Christmas!   I really didn't have anything to give him but my boys where on it.  They had allowance money in their pockets!  This was the day after we fed the other man pizza. I went to sit down and they said they'd be right back. They proceeded to put their money together and buy this man dinner. They then just placed it on his backpack and walked away. They hid and waited to see his reaction.  He was happy and surprised and ate like it had been a while since he'd eaten.  
       Once again I am not bragging just showing you another act that presented itself to my family.  This one I didn't even know about until the boys told me they would be back. I watched them and tears rolled down my face.  We were all blessed by this act.
        I ask in this holiday season that you all keep an open heart and mind about you .  Do small acts of kindness when you feel inspired to. Don't ask for anything in return just say Pay it forward someday. Remember random acts of kindness are to be selfless acts of the heart to lift someone up and give them hope.  It does not have to be monetary at all. It can be simple things like a smile, a hug, giving up a seat, holding a door open, or helping an older or handicapped person with their groceries.  Keep yourself open to the spirit who will guide you to where you are needed.  Be an example to your kids, family and friends. Hopefully, we can all make this world a better place with one simple, random, act of kindess!