Sunday, May 26, 2013

That's What Soldiers Do

   It is amazing to me the dedication and selflessness our American military and their families have. It takes a unique individual to serve this great country.  As I sat in our church service this morning I was so overwhelmed with emotion.  There where speakers who had family members in WWII, Korea, Civil War,  Vietnam, Iraq, Desert Storm, Panama's Just Cause and Afghanistan.  In our small congregation there where family members who had been POW's and marched in the Bataan Death March. There where men who where drafted in WWII and Vietnam and men who went freely. None spent the day boasting or wanting glory. Instead it was a service of thanks to those who paid the ultimate price. When asked for all Veterans to stand these men looked around stood up but felt like theirs was not a service of notoriety.  They where just doing what they should do.
    I have known so many great and honorable men and women who serve and never do they complain or say they wished they hadn't.  They usually tell you stories of their friends who "Didn't quiet make it back home".  They keep the memories alive of those who paid the ultimate price.
    Love is the reason for their service.  Love of their country , love of their family, love of honor and self less love. Some join because it is a family tradition. Some join as a result of something happening in America or the world. Like September 11th.  The rush of people to join after that was amazing. Some join for a better future and education.  Some join the National Guard to be able to serve their country and stay at home.  Well we have seen this is not true anymore.  Guardsmen are now deployed overseas also.
  What ever the reason that is just what soldiers do!  I am so thankful for their families and their dedication and sacrifice. I think of stories like Mrs. Sullivan who lost 5 of her sons to war and I can't imagine the loss she must of felt. So many in our history have paid the ultimate price so that we may be free.  Free to speak against what we don't believe in. Free to worship how and where we want to.  Free to pursue our dreams of love, life and liberty how ever we see fit. I love this country that I live in.  I am proud to be an American citizen.  I am so thankful for those who did pay the ultimate price. I am thankful for those who have served, are serving or will serve.
     I take time out of my day if I see a military person to thank them for what they do.  In our world it is not easy to serve.  Our enemy is not as clear cut as he used to be.  He doesn't fight war fair.  There are not clear battle fronts like in wars past.  Still there are men and women signing up every day to keep us free. To them I say THANKS and WE LOVE YOU!!

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